38% decrease in cost per click for trusted skincare brand
Dermeze sells a range of products, formulated for dry and sensitive skin. After engaging Vine Digital to help navigate the regulatory landscape on Google Ads, the client saw a 38% decrease in cost per click.
Case Study at a Glance
- As a pharmaceutical brand, Dermeze needed to engage an experienced agency for paid search advertising. Vine Digital has decades of combined experience in this niche.
- Not only did our specialists help the client navigate the regulatory landscape when advertising on search engines in Australia: we decreased the cost per click by 38.47*.
- Dermeze’s account saw an increased CTR of 29.65% YoY—from 3.44% to 4.46%.
Dermeze sells a range of products formulated for dry and sensitive skin.
Their range is hypoallergenic and fragrance-free, making it suitable for everyday use on the face and body. The advertisement of pharmaceutical products is always a challenge, as the market is heavily regulated. Dermeze approached Vine Digital to manage their paid search advertising.
Key Challenges Solved
On search engines such as Google, pharmaceutical advertisers must be certified. With sound analysis and swift, informed action, we restructured the campaign and ad group set-ups. We did so according to the client’s request: focusing on branded keywords for their strong organic position. Monthly spend was targeted towards keywords targeting dry skin symptoms and products: as well as competitor keywords. During this campaign, we kept the cost between $1600 and $2000.
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Our Solution
Our solution for Dermeze involved the following process:
Account Restructure
The account restructure was based on search terms for dry skin symptoms and Dermeze products. We tested phrase match keywords for their potential to lower CPC and increase CTR.
Cross Exclusions
To prevent our keywords from competing against one another, our team used cross exclusions. We also frequently checked the search terms generated by the new exact match keywords.
Negative Keywords
We significantly increased the number of negative keywords: excluding irrelevant general phrases. The updated negative keyword list included phrases relating to death and animals’ names.
Location Targeting
We analysed performance by states and cities, which enabled us to make bid adjustments based on the best performing times of day. On an ad group level, we made bid adjustments for devices.
To increase quality score and the client’s coverage on the Google Search Network, we uploaded extensions including sitelinks, callouts and structured snippet extensions on a campaign level.
We tested different bid strategies for the client’s budget, aiming to decrease cost per conversion while increasing volume. We also measured specific conversion actions on the website.
Business Impact
The following graph shows the trend of the CTR from April 2018 to April 2019. Note that we only started on Dermeze’s account on the 1st of June 2018. However, to highlight the improved YoY performance of the account, we have included a date range of one calendar year.
As the graph shows, we increased CTR by 29.65% YoY—from 3.44% to 4.46%.
The next graph shows the decrease of CPC over time—starting from when we began managing the account. With a lower CPC, we were able to attract more qualified traffic whilst following the same monthly budget allocation. There was a 38.47%* decrease in cost per click, from $2.88 to $1.99.
*between June 1st, 2018 and April 31st, 2019.